Parents - thank you for all you do for our youth. This ministry would not flourish without you and your help. We want to provide you with the tools to continue to help our youth grow in faith, not only at LUMC, but at home as well. YOU ARE SO APPRECIATED!
Youth Required Medical Forms
We welcome all members and friends! That being said, for the safety of our youth and our church, we need to have a copy of our Annual LUMC Medical Form on file to attend any event off campus. If you do not already have one on file please download it here.
ACCYM Event Form: For all the different events, the conference office needs to have a copy of their specific medical form on file to attend their retreats. You can download it here.
Ozark Mission Project during the summer has a specific form as well. You can find it here.
Additionally, we have a Youth Disciplinary Policy to keep all our youth and adults safe and present in all our youth activities.
Adult Volunteers
Adult Volunteers, you are invaluable to our ministry. The youth are our present and future church, land they need your guidance and support to continue to hold our strong community together. They follow your example and love to have you around. If you’d like more information on becoming an adult volunteer, can find more information here.
Money should NEVER…
be an obstacle hindering our youth from going on events. We aim to keep them from missing out on amazing faith developing and community bonding events.
In an effort to give every youth the opportunity to attend all of our events, the LUMC youth have issued the 1922 Challenge. You can learn more about this by clicking here.
At Home Faith
Feeling like you need more resources to help your youth’s faith development at home? Below are some helpful downloads and websites!
Signs of Depression don’t be in denial; MFH link below for more information
Mindfulness Coloring Sheets you can print or color these online!
Be sure to check our Facebook and Instagram pages for verses of the day and announcements!
L.I.F.E. Groups Handbook – ideas for helping youth Live In Faith Every day