Lakewood United Methodist Church:
Seeking, Serving, and Sharing the Message of Jesus Christ for over 60 years.
November 1, 2015
Dear Friend of Lakewood United Methodist Church,
I hope you have experienced the blessings of God this year and that you will join others in being a part of God’s great work at Lakewood in 2016!
In preparation for your prayerful commitment please consider some of these words from the Apostle Paul found in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (Please read chapter 9):
“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity,
Which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.”
2 Corinthians 9:11
Paul gives some ideas about just who benefits from acts of generosity.
First, your gifts supply the funds essential to accomplish God’s work. We expand the light locally and around the world through everyone’s collective generosity.
Another beneficiary of your gifts is our church and the people who connect to Christ here; the children are taught that Jesus loves them, parents receive encouragement and guidance, youth are equipped to grow in their faith, the lonely find a place to belong, the grieving are loved and supported, the hopeless find meaning and purpose, the homeless are housed and fed, and the lost find Jesus as their Savior.
And the third beneficiary is you, the giver! God’s response to your generosity is that He will make all grace abound in you. Something powerful happens when you share your gifts with God through the church. According to Paul it means you experience blessings and grace with every act of generosity.
Remember, it is God who provides you with the means to be generous. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.” God is love and God desires that we demonstrate our love for others through our giving. When you give your whole self -- your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness – you share in God’s wonderful gift of grace.
Please pray about your financial commitment and be a part of expanding the light here at Lakewood!
God is expecting great things from the people of Lakewood in 2016. We will continue our mission of seeking, serving, and sharing the message of Jesus Christ!
Together with you in this journey,
Rev. Luke Conway
Pledges are due by November 15.
Download and print out a pledge card, or email Church Administrator Sandra Wood with your contact information and pledge amount to the operating and/or building fund.
Online Giving Form: Your gifts are transferred on a scheduled, automatic basis. It's much more convenient than writing checks each week, and it provides much-needed financial consistency for our church.
Where Do Your Gifts Go?
Breakdown of Last Year's Gifts: Where are YOU on this chart?
Considering My Contribution: Some useful strategies for biblical giving.