What is Endowment Giving?

The Lakewood UMC Endowment is a permanent charitable fund that is invested to produce annual interest income. The base investment is untouched, but the interest earned is what is used to support various ministry projects, creating new chapters in the LUMC Story. We have used endowment funds to invest in our facilities, provide for lectureships, conduct workshops, offer scholarships and provide help for our ministries which expand the light of Jesus into our community.

How does LUMC Benefit From Endowment Giving?

An endowment is typically a gift given or bequeathed to one of these funds or used to create a new fund in memory of or in honor of a loved one. These gifts can be a financial distribution from one’s estate, stocks or bonds, or even personal property. Gifts come in all shapes and sizes.

We currently have one general and seven named funds. Our Endowment committee was granted authority by Charge Conference in 2009 to manage all activities concerning LUMC’s general and named endowment funds.

Each named endowment has specific provisions for the distribution of the income earned, based on the wishes of the families or stakeholders who established it. You will find a short description of each fund on this page.

How Does The Endowment Committee Decide Which Projects Receive Funding?

If you wish to apply for financing of a need or project which fits the criteria of the designated named fund, or any of the general needs funds, please email endowment@lakewood-umc.org and include: ‘Request For Endowment Funds’ as the subject of your email.

In your email, include the following:

  • Name of committee, team or individual requesting the funds/money.

  • Description of the need/project for which the funding is needed, along with the benefit that will be provided if the project is completed or need is met.

  • Specific dollar amount being requested.

  • Supporting documentation (can include receipts of costs or cost savings, other

  • A timeline for the implementation of the funds and steps to complete the project or meet the need.

Your request will be placed on the agenda of the next Endowment Committee meeting. Meetings are held quarterly. You may be asked to attend the meeting to present your request and to answer questions.

The committee will vote on approving/denying/defering the request and will notify the requester of its decision.

How Are Endowment Givers Recognized?

Some larger donors like to create their own memorial fund, or they can contribute to existing funds. To start a fund, a typical donation would be valued at $10,000. However, LUMC welcomes gifts of any amount, and strives to recognize all gifts as contributing to the health and vibrancy of Lakewood UMC into our future.

LUMC recognizes three levels of giving:

LUMC Light Keepers are those who have given between $1,000 and $4,999 to a Lakewood UMC endowment fund. Giving is accumulated to reach this level. And if you name LUMC as a beneficiary in your will, you also become a Light Keeper.

LUMC Legacy Builders are those who have given between $5,000 and $9,999 benefiting a Lakewood UMC endowment fund.

LUMC Heritage Holders are those who have given $10,000 or more to an Lakewood UMC endowment fund.

Easy ways to become and Lakewood endowment giver…

For more information, to sign up for the Birthday Club or to submit a request for donations from any of the Lakewood endowment funds, please email endowment@expandingthelight.org.

With your help we will continue the wonderful mission and impact of our beloved church!



As named, the income from the LUMC General Endowment Fund is designated to be used for the purposes of meeting LUMC’s mission and ministry needs, and for the maintenance of buildings and property (non-operating expenses).

Income from the Bridenthal Lectureship Endowment Fund is designated for lectureships (speakers/teachers) which can vary in length. If no ongoing lectureships exist, these funds can be used for other needs, as deemed appropriate by UMAF and our Endowment Committee.

Income from the Coach Carol and Saville Henry Memorial Endowment Fund can be used for general purposes to further the mission of LUMC, as determined by the Endowment Committee. (No Restrictions)

Income from the Isaacson Memorial Endowment Fund is to be used to minister to persons who have special needs, with priority/preference given to those who are home-bound or alone, in financial/emotional need, or with a handicapping condition. Priority is also to be given to senior citizens.

Income from the Nutt Family Endowment Fund can be used for general purposes to further the mission of LUMC, as determined by the Endowment Committee.

The John and Ruth Pride Memorial Scholarship offers a college scholarship to an LUMC high school senior who is currently active in a music program at LUMC and is enrolled at an Arkansas university. Student applicants must have a high level of discipline and musical
ability. Strong consideration will be given to students pursuing a career in music.


Income from the Tom and Garrie B. Salmon Endowment Fund can be used for general purposes to further the mission of LUMC, as determined by the Endowment Committee in conjunction with advice from donor.