Dear Lakewood UMC Friends and Family,

I have great news to share with you!  We recently asked you to complete a survey regarding your Covid-19 vaccination status to help with future decision-making.  I thank you for responding, and I am excited to report the results below:

Number in household: 336       

Number fully vaccinated:  308 (91.66%)

Partially vaccinated: 1 (less than 1%)

Unvaccinated:  27 (8.04%)

In addition, the households that reported unvaccinated members have children, so it is our belief that most of the 27 unvaccinated are children who are not yet eligible for the vaccine. It seems likely that our church events are safer than what you might experience in other gathering spaces such as stores and restaurants.  

However, as followers of Jesus we are called to protect our most vulnerable populations, in this case children and those who are immunocompromised.  In order to keep all safe, please continue to do all the things we know help stop the spread of the virus: wear your mask, remain distanced, give fist bumps, and wash your hands. Please stay home if you are feeling ill; we know that there are break through cases and that vaccinated people can spread the virus.  

Please continue to encourage your friends and family to be vaccinated by sharing your story of why you were vaccinated.  Finally, you may also help to stop the spread of Covid-19 by volunteering to work at the vaccination clinic to be held at Lakewood on August 22 and September 19.  You do not have to be a medical professional to help.  Please email Cindy Henry to volunteer ( 

Hang in there, Church.  I am praying for your health and safety and for your peace of mind in this stressful time. 

Let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Grace and peace,

Pastor Roy Beth